Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Powell Expedition Whitehalls for the BBC - assembling the sternpost

Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Powell Expedition Whitehalls for the BBC - view of the Rubb Shelter construction floor from the Loft floor

Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - 1869 Powell Expedition Whitehalls for the BBC - A general view of the Rubb Shelter shop

DSC_0107 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Basic Boatbuilding - Nordlund Skiff Launch - Gina

Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Basic Boatbuilding - Nordlund Skiff Launch - bow view

Sliver plans cropped

DSC_0066 - Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Basic Boatbuilding - Nordlund Skiff Launch - in water

Port Hadlock WA - Boat School - Designer Robert Perry's SLIVER being built by the School

IMG_3146 - Port Hadlock WA - Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding - Traditional Small Craft - general view of the Westrem Shop - Rogue River Driver (left foreground), 12-foot Davis double-ender (right foreground), 9-foot Grandy Skiff (left background),

The Long View

Current view

Mutiny Bay Sunset

57 Chevy Bel Air

Olympic view from Kitsap Memorial Park

From the Keeper's Porch

Lighthouse at Point No Point

morning view from our house in Whidbey

Point No Point Lighthouse

Beach of Point No Point Lighthouse


Another view of Point No Point

P. L. Y. C.

The path

Try everything once

Port Ludlow Houses

Smoke on the water

Point No Point Lighthouse

11 - Winter Solstice Sunset Over Mutiny Bay

Port Ludlow Houses II

Home Beach

Point No Point Sunset

Buck Lake, Hansville

Port Gamble Waterfront

Tides or Seasons

20160825 Ludlow Falls 018.jpg

Marrowstone Island


Off into the sunset

Belly of the beast

Double Bluff Beach

Mutiny Bay Trawler Sunset