307/365 - Five Mile Pond, Kind of Blue

Hey, Wanna Buy a Duck?

Sunlight on the Waterfront

189/365 - Boats at Rest

Cataumet School House 3

Walk in the woods, Mashpee, Cape Cod

in the harbor. . . .

Harlequin Duck

Autumn daisies

Waterfront Trail, Ant's View

Just slightly different than the view I've posted before! #nogolfersinthesnow

Clouded Beach

After Peebles Elementary School Arbor Day Assembly, school children, GC members, parents , community leaders viewed Aptucxet junior gardeners plant 3 Catalpa saplings, assisted by historian John York

294/365 - Lincoln Visits the Troops

Another view from below

Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps) - Ipswich form - dorsal view

training ship KRI Dewaruci

Flowers and ocean view.

Evening view.

Sandwich, MA.

232-365 20Aug 2011 G&G Back Yard View

Golden Sunset

Makepeace Farms, Wareham

Waterfire, Cachalot-Style

Sunset in Pocasset

Cranberry Bog on a June Evening

December Evening

East Head Pond

Red Light

Boardwalk and Marsh


Thunderstorm clears.

Old Silver

Boardwalk and Marsh

My afternoon office... ????????????


Monumental Sunset

cranberry bog harvest at sunset


mark under threatening skies

Windy tonight...