Forest Jewel

Furry Creature—Explored!

365/61: If good fences make good neighbors, do pretty fences make pretty neighbors?

Rat's Eye View

American Coot

City View

365/87: Sundays...

Lined UP

Chief in the Alley


Corn View

Bleeding Green

Phillytown looking SUPER in Green...

Red-tailed Hawk - "Watching"

Subliminal Suggestion

Blick ins Grüne / Room With a View

Parking Space

Um die Ecke gedacht / Outside the Box

Visual Distribution

Tree Swallow

Tokyo DisneySEA - The Caldera

This shot was taken a couple months ago during a hike here at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge south of Philadelphia, while the sun was setting. Hope everyone has a great day, and thanks for stopping by! ???? . . . . #johnheinzwildliferefuge #pa

...for every challenge encountered in life there is opportunity for growth, remember that the pain encountered today is the strength rewarded YOU tomorrow. ☝ #Woosha #NeverGiveUp #NothingIsPromised

Navy Yard Bridge

Evening at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Pennsylvania

Spring Reflection

Field HDR

~A Spring Stream Shines A Gloomy Day's Color Beam~

Grey Catbird

Lincoln's Sparrow

At the #Phillies game! @clarafied

Philly Sunset High June Five

White-throated Sparrow

Cobbs Creek

Song Sparrow

My babies love spiders

Green Heron

Song Sparrow on a fence

Fall Colors II

Philadelphia Skyline with FMC Tower

House Wren

Full Moon May 26 2013