A flowers view of the world

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Side of home

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Crossing Lake Ponchartrain

Photos from Amtrak Crescent accident

Trail View

view from mom's backyard

Late Afternoon at the Pine Savanna

Fog at Big Branch

Sunset at the Lily Pond

Savanna Reflections

Tammany Trace

Up is Down

On Bayou Lacombe

Big Branch Boardwalk

On the Bayou

Leaving New Orleans today and heading East across Lake Pontchartrain

Cypresses in the Bayou

USA New Orleans Southern Crescent Louisiana January 1979

Long-Tailed Skipper on Blue Mistflower

Practicing being a bridge lover

Big Branch Marsh

Un momento de tranquilidad / A quiet moment

Misty Morning Marsh 2

Black Swallowtail on Bull Thistle

Lazy Sunday

Afternoon Marsh

Big Branch Reserve