Golden Hour

New York City - Manhattan Skyline from Hamilton Park 03

Sunset over Lower Manhattan

New York City - Nacht über Manhattan 06

New York City - Nacht über Manhattan 05

The City of Golden Dreams

Riding solo (sunset) - Hudson River, New York City

The Vessel at Twilight Blue Hour Hudson Yards Manhattan New York City NY P00623 DSC_2571

At Hudson Yards - Skyscrapers near The Vessel Manhattan New York City NY P00571 20191023_175319

New York City - Manhattan Night 02

New York City

Vessel Views -1

A team of ducks - Hudson River Park, New York City

Evening rush (silhouette) - Chelsea Piers, New York City

Crossing the line (sunset) - Hudson River Park, New York City

Manhattan skyline

In broad brushstrokes - Chelsea Piers, New York City

New York

Big City

Paterson's Great Falls

The City That Never Sleeps

Paterson Great Falls from above

Paterson Great Falls looking below

Autumn Equinox

Lower Manhattan

Brand new memory 嶄新記憶

Manhattan Skyline

Sunset - Hudson River Park, New York City

Great Falls of Paterson

Skating - Hudson River Park, New York City

A Morning Most Momentous

Rusted Landscape - Riverside Park, New York City

Golden hour--Hora Dorada

There's a light that never goes out - New York City

The Manhattan Skyline

Under a blood red sky - Chelsea Piers, New York CIty

Midtown Manhattan

Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park