Brown Hooded Owlet moth caterpillar

Lady's thumb?

Tiny puffballs!

view of camp

view from second cabin

view from the camp bridge

holy view

swamp view of camp

Fill er Up Remus

our swamp

yard, view from above

view from dock

Sylvan Peace

Hall's Lake

Minigolf nearby

Spider in Touch with His Surroundings

Fern and Forest

Sylvan Solace and the Chippewa River

Old Pine over a Fen

Hall's Lake Natural Area

Sylvan Solace Trail

Sylvan Solace

"Kabana Creek"

Big Evens lake

Lots of work pays off

dock winter

Big Evens lake

rough-stemmed goldenrod

Big Evens lake

leading Chebar

out on the pasture

eggs from spaaaaace!

Samson and Bubba Jack