So Sail With Me Into the Setting Sun

A (Slightly) More Conventional View

Fremont Ave. - Seaside Heights, NJ. #1

Beautiful sunrise view from the creepy destroyed surf club March 2014

Acme Supermarket - Manasquan, NJ.

Casino Pier

Pink-footed Goose, Tom's River Highschool, Tom's River, NJ 2/7/13

Close Quarters

Seaside Heights Fireworks

Spring Lake beach B & W

Gateway to the Water on a Windy Day

Atlantic Sunrise

And I swear, it shows, Heaven must be just like this..

A painting develops

Moon Over Seaside Park

Seed. 297/365

Seaside Heights pre-Hurricane Sandy

Beautiful view yesterday #JerseyShore

Ocean View..

Pink-footed Goose

The Technicolor Spin Cycle

On the Boardwalk

Nature Center LE

Jersey Shore

Wanna Go For A Ride?

Manasqaun Reservoir - Snow and Flare - HDR

Atlantic ocean ortley beach

Jet-Star - Seaside Heights, NJ. (Gone)

Artificially extended beach here in ortley beach new Jersey. Free to visit during the offseason , summer access prohibited between 9-4 if you don't pay a minimum of 10 dollars for a badge. Even the locals paying taxes have to buy a $100 seasonal. Witho

sunrise 11/4/14 ortley beach new Jersey

Manasqaun Reservoir - Snow and Flare - Single Exposure

Late Night Swim

Violent waves at sunrise

Manasquan Reservoir (Scene 1) New Jersey

Lonely Beach

Falling Light at the Reservoir

Sunrise captured in HDR mode.

Point Pleasant Sunrise