Pew View

Electric Ducks - Food For Your Senses, Tuntange, Luxembourg

Green Spirit

Honer Technic 2

Yellow monster (2)

Before the start ...

Yellow Firestone

Red Massey Fergusson

Shell team from Finland

Red Massey Fergusson 2

Snowy day

Lost in smoke

Blue leaking Ford

Arlon - Rue Saint Donat

20120428 105 Stockem Faisceau

Nice view

Yellow monster

Luxuembourg landscape

Honer Nose :)

Mr. Bean 2

Roude Leiw

White winter


138.08, Cruchten, 10 juli 1982

Quarry (Explore)

Poppy 3

Chemin forestier

Levée de soleil - Keispelt

Bei Aangelsbierg (2014-09-20 -04)

Autumn scenery

Chapel and snow

dramatic sunset2 -hdr-

2014 Yearbook 492

Lande en hiver

2014 Yearbook 501

2014 Yearbook 553

bosque denso

Trees' long shadows at sunset

I go swimming

2014 Yearbook 506

Karblumm, Kornblume, Bleuet des champs (Centaurea cyanus) (2011-05-08 -24)

Yearbook 2011 146