annunciation design

View of Old Town Dubrovnik

Image from page 226 of "The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others" (1919)

Another View

Welcome to Saanane Island

Image from page 180 of "The Victoria Nyanza; the land, the races and their customs, with specimens of some of the dialects" (1899)

Image from page 463 of "Larousse universel en 2 volumes; nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique publié sous la direction de Claude Augé" (1922)

Image from page 228 of "The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others" (1919)

TRC MLW 8816 Tabora African cab 070908

On the move again

african dreamtime

Last look at Veliki Slap Plitvice Lakes

Kotor Harbour, Montenegro

Diocletian's Palace


Image from page 162 of "Daring deeds in the tropics. A thrilling narrative of remarkable adventures, terrible experiences, amazing achievements and important discoveries of great travelers in southern climes" (1894)

Archways in the Blue Mosque

Image from page 118 of "From the Cape to Cairo; the first traverse of Africa from south to north" (1902)

View from the back

Image from page 108 of "Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin" (1839)

Image from page 12 of "Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene" (1907)

Fantastic Landscapes

St. Stephens Island, Montenegro

Plitvice Lakes

On the Road to Macedonia

Tirana, Albania

Iglesia de Moruy, Paraguana. (Church Moruy, Paraguana).

119 - Opět zeleň, poblíž tábora Confluencia

Las Brisas 24x26 brush and palette

Vue aérienne de la zone orientale de Bukavu (Costermansville) au bord du lac Kivu.

Warm Beach day 24x36 Pallette Knife

705.915-7, Os 208

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Parque Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda (Parque del Este) (Caracas-Venezuela)

Vue aérienne de Bukavu

L'axe de l'avenue royale de Bukavu

From Scout Camp / Ze skautského tábora

Makarska Riveria - Croatia

Křížová cesta z Tábora do Lomnice nad Popelkou

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