Kinshasa skyline in the congo river

First-ever Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer in Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa from the River

Varanus niloticus

Slt mes amis!

Bonjour les mes amis!! Me voici encore

When you are good at something you will tell everyone. When you are great, they will tell. ???? #ByeKinshasa #byeFriendsAndFamily #TeamMayele #seeyousoon #vacation #thankstomywife

See you again! RDC ELOKO YA MAKASI #vacation #WeAreHere #TeamMayele #tillnexttime #kinshasa243 ???????? MERCI A TOUS POUR L'ACCUEIL ET DIVERTISSEMENT (famille et vrais amis) RDV PAS TROP LONGTEMPS ????????????

Home sweet home #TravelNoir #TeamMayele #tourrist #ttt #StrongMentality ????

Next stop : Istanbul, Turkey #skylife #fastlife #congotour2016 Thank you Brazzaville, Pointe Noire, Kinshasa & Lubumbashi ????❤️????????????⭐️⭐️⭐️

Chair with massage ????????❤️❤️❤️ #businessclass #turkishairlines #skylife #fastlife

Business class Turkish airlines #turkishairlines #staralliance #skylife #fastlife #businessclass

Next stop : Lubumbashi, RDC #skylife #fastlife #rdc #drc #flycaa

Day 197 Kinshasa DRC floods kill 31

Kin la belle ! Goodbye

DRC-F2F-first ever F2F assignment Nov 2014 (42)

Next stops : Johannesburg > Cape Town #fastlife #skylife #rollin #✈️

It's never enough time to refuel all love with my son and my place of birth, but I habe a world to conquer... #leggo #rollin #fastlife #????

Home... #kinshasa #drc #home

Next stop : Istambul, Turkey #fastlife #skylife #turkishairlines #staralliance Going from home to home ✌️????????

At the airport VIP lounge, mixing a song by @ayceejordan called "Shoot Deep Hard". I have a flight in 30mn to Istambul, Turkey #sushiraw #nonstop #business

First-ever Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer in Democratic Republic of Congo