The Valley of Thor

Stormy Parade (New Year 2015)

View from the Summer Camp

mountains of Baffin Island on horizon

Parliament Hill (185 Image panorama)

Ice Floes Utilized as Ferry Boats

Parliament Hill (185 Image panorama)

Eyes of the Arctic

Clarence Klengenberg hiking up

Bylot Island Mothership

Stripes of Life From Halfway Back in Time


Over the Asgard

The Far Hills - November 29, 2014

Bear, enjoying the view

Sgt. Hareb - Mitsubishi Symbio Mk.I

My Front Yard

On Assignment: Navy Board Inlet, Nunavut

Walking infront of a Giant

07 16 08_0745

Sun Over Kitiktayuaq

Here Boaty, Boaty, Boaty - HDR (Explore #23)

Late Afternoon Kitiktayuaq

Ice Barrier # 1 Lancaster Sound Canada High Arctic

Winter is Coming!

Sun Dogs (Minus 23° Celsius with Drifting Snow)

Kitiktayuaq - East end Esker

New Inukshuk

Spring Afternoon at Kitiktayuaq

By the Light of the Moon

Snow Fence

Mikilaaq Centre

Glaciers on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut

Cape Dyer, Nunavut

Moonrise in the Belt of Venus

Heading Back to Retrieve

Try to Set the Night on Fire

Morning Blue

Hill Island Shoreline

Out in the Garden There's Half of a Heaven

The Frosty Far Hills