
Roadside blooms

Driving through the Texas countryside and chatting online with @jemimah_knight. What a wonderful world.

Jewett, Texas bluebonnets

Roadside blooms

Union-Pacific 1651 Crosses US Hwy 75 at Buffalo, Texas 1312261047

Railroad Overpass over US Hwy 75, Buffalo, Texas 1312261043BW

Concord Schools Marker (Concord, Texas)

Post Office 77850 and Old School (Concord, Texas)

Post Office 77850 and Old School (Concord, Texas)

A Very Happy Childhood at the Farm

Jewett Apostille - Jewett Process Server - Jewett Notary

UP0844_2010-04-19 12-54-25bf_JewettTX

Drive By Shooting

At my place... (in car concerto)????

Big Rig On I45

Jewett Lignite Mine

Bieber Fever!!! LMAO @moyeee_ayeee !!!! Now it is Colton Fever!!! @colton_campbell02 @moyeee_ayeee #BieberFever #Ashley #ColtonIsReality #ColtonFever #TimeHop

Swirling sunrise

Wild colours


Post Office 75838 (Donie, Texas)

Post Office 77865 (Marquez, Texas)