Oil Lamp & Windows: Boggsville, Colorado (CO)

Southwest Airlines departure view

Southwest Airlines departure view

Eastern Kingbird

Southwest Chief

Autumn foliage along the Fort Lyon Canal between LaJunta and Las Animas, Colorado. The cottonwood trees turn a pastel golden yellow. #instagood #mexturesapp #optoutside #getoutdoors #???? #autumn #fall #sunshine #reflection #canal #foliage #Colorado

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #8

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #7

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #6

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #5

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #4

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #3

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #2

Ft. Lyon, Colorado #1

Flying Old Glory

Common Yellowthroat

158. Creek

157. flatter than a pancake

156. final parking lot

155. Asleep

154. American grafitti

153. BNSF only

152. Saturday morning